Monday, April 27, 2009

Wanna Go?

Last night's episode of Family Guy entitled "Stew-roids" was amazing. Just thought I would share a clip. Stewie on roids made me very happy.

That reminds graduate school experience is almost over and it's hard to accept that two years have already gone by. It seems like just yesterday I was only benching 260. But for real though, the time has flown by. I can not say that my time here hasn't been valuable though. I have learned a lot, grown a lot, and developed myself. From the hours in the class room learning about the Krebs cycle and flow loops to my time in the gym where weight was moved and nicknames were created. From Tall T to Wack, from Spare Tire to Smells Good. (If you don't understand then you really don't know me but I tend to remember people by features, not names.) I have went from being a nobody to "That guy with Rob" to "The guy with the Mohawk". Most people would probably recognize me, whether that be a good thing or a bad thing.

The majority of the past two years has been spent in one of two places, the Seaton Center or the Johnson Center. One being the workplace and the other being my place of personal development. I have met so many people, some that I will never talk to again and others who will be friends for the rest of my life. We have spent hours together including nights in the bar where bar stools were knocked over and people were yelled at, to mornings in class where, for some, 10 minutes late was right on time. There have been many days in the Johnson Center talking shit on those who just have no clue. Most people in the gym think I can only say one thing...that being "AAAHHHH". But deep down there is more. I am much more intricate.

Outside of this world I have had a group of friends invest in diamond rings, taking a dive into marriage. I have also had friends make great leaps in careers and develop new lives. I have seen some great things happen to the people around me. I have also seen some not so great things. I've went through some bad times but it has not broken me. I have refused to crumble. It's hard to break something so huge as myself.

What will happen from this point on? I honestly have no idea. I am just along for the ride. I have options so we will just see where I end up. I can guarantee one thing though...I will do something big. My name will be heard of again. World wide they will be calling me "the guy with the Mohawk" or whatever the next fashion statement will be. So keep your eyes and ears open.

And remember, if there's one thing women love, it's a vascular man.

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