Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Be Proper In and OUT of the Gym

I was listening to podcast earlier today and the discussion of form in the weight room came up. This is a big deal when it comes to exercise. Proper form is huge in getting the gains you desire as well as keeping yourself healthy and injury-free. So many times in the gym (especially commercial gyms) you see Kevin Quarter-Squat and Roger Round-Back lifting with the worst form known to man. Not only will these two not get the strength gains that they need to get girls to like them, but they will also create more and more stress on their joints. With improper form, the spine (especially the lumbar spine), the knees, the hips, the ankles, the shoulders, and so-on are stressed more than they should be and chronic injuries can, and most likely will occur. Knowing this, it is important to focus on form and then look to add weight. Keep mobility good and your strength will quickly follow.

Here comes a different problem...When concentrating on form, most people focus through an entire set, getting each rep perfect. However, once the last rep is completed and the weight needs to be returned to its desired resting location, form goes out the window. Think about it; I'm sure you have all done this in your own workouts. I know I have in the past. You finish a set with some heavy dumbbells, executing each rep to perfection. Once your set is complete you return the weights to the floor and immediately you allow your back to round over and you set them down with no regard for form. It happens all the time and this is where many injuries occur. Proper form has to be executed not only on every working rep, but also when your setting weights down, or picking them up. It doesn't matter if it's part of the workout or not, it's still a strain on your body and it still needs to be done with care.

The same thing goes for every day life. From sitting at the computer to bringing in your groceries, form must be thought about. It is really hard to keep your body alignment great when 90% of your week you are slouching in a chair, picking things up with a rounded spine, or twisting in positions that may not be too beneficial for you or your back. Even if you spend 2 hours a day in the gym with perfect form, corrective exercises, and great mobility drills, that other 150 hours a week where you walk around without concentrating on alignment and posture can be devastating to your progress in the gym. Think of daily activities as a workout in themselves. Concentrate on sitting erect, walking up stairs like your doing step-ups, picking up things off the floor like your deadlifting, and so-on. Treating every day activities in this manner will help keep you body healthy and fully functional.

Remember, proper form and execution is key to building a better body.

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