Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas
Just if you are interested, here is the workout I completed this morning and it was with my buddy from Morehead State, Dillon Lawson.
Foam Roll/Warmup
Med Ball Circuit 3x8each
Chest Pass
Overhead Throw
Side Toss
Scoop Toss
A1 - Keg Clean and Press - 3x6
A2 - Farmers Walk - 3x40yds
B - Zercher Split Squats - 3x8each
Small workout. Just wanted to get some work in during a deload week. Next up for me is back into a strength phase. I have been focusing on mobility and work capacity lately. Hip mobility is better yet will still be a main focus for a while. Have a great holiday and get some work in.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Common Gym Mistakes pt. 2
1. Ignoring Nutrition
This is the one thing that I would say causes the most problems in all of our journeys to a new life. A great workout is only part of the equation. Focusing on the nutrition and what you are eating is just as important, if not more, than getting in the gym and lifting large amounts of weight or burning out Tabata sets. Take a day every week and sit down and plan the week. Act like it is just another workout. I like to have my clients use an easier day like Sunday and take time to sit down, write out some meals for the week and what you need for those meals. Next, go to the grocery and get the food needed, and then come home and prepare all the meals and snacks for that week. Preparing meals ahead of time will allow you to know exactly what you are eating and when you are eating, plus if you have a late night at work then you have no excuse. You don't have to cook, it is all already made. Focus on nutrition first and then you can get more intricate with your workouts.
2. Sleep
Ok, so you have the nutrition part taken care of and your workouts are top notch. What else are you missing? The answer to that question is sleep. The body has to recover at some point and not giving it the sleep it needs is wasting all of the work that you have been putting in. The mind makes its connections at night so the things you learn and the movements you make throughout the day are put in place during those solid hours of sleep. Not to mention, hormone levels are prime when we are in a deep state of sleep. So if you are busting ass all day in the gym, then staying up late and waking up early, you are missing out on a huge opportunity for growth and improvement. Go to bed earlier and get a solid 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Try to make your bedtime the same time every night and wake up around the same time every morning.
3. Mentality
This is a huge aspect most people don't even think about. You can't go into the gym every day and just go through the motions. Starting a workout program means getting your mind into the right state. Set out your goals and picture the place you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year. Go into the gym every day with a purpose and a goal. Focus on the exercise you are doing, the way you are feeling, and the change you want to make. Don't get distracted by the people around you or the idiots doing bicep curls in the squat rack. Put on your headphones with your music and step into your own world. With focus and intensity, your workout will take a step up.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Common Gym Mistakes
1. Consistency
This is the biggest aspect of creating results. From nutrition to the workout, if you aren't doing in consistently then you're not going to get where you want to go. Too many times I see people who make their way into the gym 5 days one week and then maybe once the next three weeks. You can't just work out when you feel like it. Whether you are on a 3-day plan, a 5-day plan, or 7-day plan, you have to stay consistent. Create goals of not missing a workout, not missing a set, and not missing a meal. Make your workout realistic though. If you can only get into the gym 3 days a week then make a 3-day program and stick to it. Make the most out of what time you can get and stay strong with it. If you are not consistent, you will not achieve the goals you are after.
2. Balance
I have touched on this topic many times before and I will continue to do so because it continues to be a huge problem. There is no balance in the majority of the gym and in every day life. I stress to my clients the importance of balance because today's society is front side dominant. Everything takes place in front of us. Forward head posture, slouching, and internally rotated shoulders are all too common because of desk jobs, computers, and just plain laziness. The problem becomes worse when people go to the gym and repeat sets of bench press, crunches, and bench press all week long. Everyone wants a six pack and a big chest. That's what we see from the front. The problem is, repetitive movements like these that just exacerbate our poor posture will create worse posture and lead to so many pains and problems. Start focusing on the back side. Work the butt, lower back, and upper back. Start doing double the amount of rowing movements compared to pressing movements. Work on full core exercises such as planks instead of abdominal based exercises like crunches and sit-ups. Improved posture will improve aesthetics. Pull the shoulders back and you will instantly look broader, bigger, and more athletic. For females, improving posture will make the waist look slimmer and the chest stand up. Focus on the weak links first.
3. Too Much Cardio
This plays off of the balance issue. Every day I see hundreds of people come into the gym, go straight to the treadmill or elliptical, spend an hour there, and leave. These same people never touch a weight and never see the body they want. Whether you are male or female, you cannot just do cardio. Even if your only goal is to lose weight, you need weight training as well. Cardio alone will burn some calories but will not build the muscle we need to boost metabolism, nor will it create the shapely bodies we all want. If you think about it from an aesthetics point of view, take a long distance runner. These people are very thin with no real shape to their body. Take a female soccer player, much more curvy, yet still thin and "toned". The soccer player has much more strength based demands in their sport when compared to a long distance runner who is strictly aerobic. So when you go to the gym, cut the cardio in half and add weight training. Free weights and full body workouts would be my suggestion. But make sure you get some help on creating a program and you're not just wondering around the gym doing this or that with no real rhyme or reason.
Later this week I will give a second list of mistakes that involve more nutrition and psychology.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Call Me a Slacker
As for myself, besides training and getting this place fixed up, my training is a little more minimalistic right now. I have been focusing a lot on correcting a lot of issues I have been dealing with over the past few years. My hips and shoulders are very tight and my range of motion has been somewhat restricted on certain movements. Therefore the past two months have been focused more on soft tissue work and mobility training. I have still incorporated strength training into my weekly workouts but it has been more focused on movement versus amount of weight lifted. I am working up to January where I hope to have many of my issues improved if not resolved. At that point I will be phasing back into strength training working on building up maximal strength once again. This whole experience has been hard yet humbling. Everyone always wants to do the show workouts where large amounts of weight is moved around or muscle volume is being built and this is where the problems are created. We have to remember to take care of the small things such as movement, endurance, and tissue quality so that the more exciting things like maximal lifts can be performed properly and even improved more efficiently. It's not always fun to take care of the small things but it is definitely a must.
Monday, October 4, 2010
New Recipe
Quinoa Salad with Chicken
Serves 4 to 6
1 1/3 cups quinoa
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
1 1/2 cups green or red grapes, quartered
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
In a large bowl, whisk together vinegar, salt and pepper. Slowly add the oil, whisking well. Add quinoa and toss to combine. Add chicken, grapes and almonds and toss again. Serve at room temperature or chilled, if you like.
Monday, September 27, 2010
BodyQuest Blog
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Along with these renovations we are going to reconstruct the BodyQuest website so my blog content from Swonkdiesel will become more frequent and will more than likely move to that website. I will keep everyone updated on any changes that occur. Come check us out!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Take pride in your appearance and actions and realize there are people who look up to you. Do good things and they will follow.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Strongman Saturday
Here are some videos of the good times we had, including a little puke. This type of training is a great way to mix it up and get out of the gym for a little while but a good solid program should be the foundation of your training, not the "fun" stuff.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Perform Better Chicago
The biggest things I learned are as follows:
I need to learn to ask for money. I have always worked on improving my coaching ability. I read everything I can get my hands on and listen to the best. However, while doing this I tend to avoid the other aspect of the business and that is the business itself. I am always timid to ask my clients for upgrades and take their money. The thing is, I am worth the money they are paying, so why be hesitant to ask for it.
There has to be assessment and that assessment has to be addressed. I am a big believer in assessments and correcting issues that my clients have besides just weight. There is so much one can learn just by observing a couple of different movements of their client. Yet, a lot of times being in such a commercial setting where people come in just caring about weight loss and the sales people promote "kick-ass workouts that will be hard and make you lose weight", I tend to not correct issues as much as I should. I tend to worry about the client thinking I am wasting their time. What we must remember is I am the trainer and there is a purpose behind everything I do, so do it. Fixing issues in posture, stability, and movement will allow for so much more possibility for weight loss and health down the road.
I need to step out on the edge. I have always been a shy, timid guy. From personal life to work life this has been the case. A big theme that ran through the weekend was about stepping out on the edge to be successful. The ones who make it don't let everything come to them. They go out and get it. I have observed this in every field. The most successful people take risks, approach others, and get what they need to succeed without worrying about what might happen. I need to take action to get out of my comfort zone and start making moves, making my name known, and approaching success.
Overall the weekend was amazing and I feel motivated to continue bettering myself and learning. It makes me want to learn everything there is and become one of those guys that everyone looks up to and goes to see speak. I have a new list of books I want to read, some new material to look over, and some new ideas to try out. Can't wait for the next conference I go to.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Make a Change
Take for instance the overweight individual who hates the way he/she looks and complains daily about the feeling of being overweight. This individual has two choices. One choice is the easy one, continue to complain and stay the same. The other option is the harder option, but has much more reward. This person could make a change and start a diet, get to the gym more than the one time a week they go now, and see some change in the way to look and feel. Being proactive and making a change in the way they think and the way they act is going to get them out of the hole they have been in and create that sense of happiness and success.
A similar situation is the guy who has a job that he hates to wake up for. Not only is it crappy pay, it is miserable company, and terrible hours. The only thing this guy thinks he can do is complain every day to his coworkers and then go home and continue to be miserable and complain some more to his family. The real answer to this situation would be to make a change. Maybe he is only qualified to work this specific job and to quit would be impossible because he has bills to pay and a family to feed. There are still options though. He could take online classes and get a degree in another field so that he could find another job that would be more enjoyable.
I am not saying there is always a quick out of a bad situation. What I am saying though is that if a situation is making you unhappy, do something about it instead of being miserable. CHANGE the way you think, CHANGE the habits you have, CHANGE the people you surround yourself with. We have the power to change our environment. Just because we have been around a situation for a long time does not mean we are stuck in that situation. Yes, it is hard to change when we are comfortable, but it is not conducive to success to be comfortable when that comfort is negative. Stand up to your life and make a change to become better and create a better path for yourself.
I'm Not Dead
-First off, I was interviewing for the same position that I applied for last year, working for the Navy out in San Diego. I was the runner-up in the interview process, falling just short of getting sent out there. It would have been a great experience but there is plenty for me to do here and many steps for me to take.
-I am over half way done with the Maximum Strength program by Eric Cressey and my strength has definitely gone up. I have also learned some more about programming and got some good ideas for writing my own programs. I'll post some results when I have finished the 16 weeks and see what kinds of gains I made. Next up will be 5/3/1.
-Some things I have been reading: I recently finished the book, Born to Run. It was very entertaining and increased my belief in barefoot training even more. Shoes are just creating problems even though they claim to be fixing them. Just like food, the more natural, the better.
I am now reading Mojo. This book is about success and confidence in your life and career. Not too bad so far.
I am also reading a series by Eric Cressey on Elbow pain and training. Many athletes, and the general population for that matter, suffer elbow pain while training. This is a good resource to find ways to help alleviate some of that pain as well as train to create better joints.
-Hopefully I won't slack so badly this time around and will be consistent at updating and posting some good posts. If you ever have anything you would like a post about send me an email and give me your ideas.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Reality to the Core
Before we get into specific exercises and ways to train, let’s explore the core and how it works. Most people focus on abdominals, but in reality, this is only one component of the core. In my opinion, the “core” is not just the trunk muscles, but also all of the muscles that stabilize the center of the body during movement. This would include the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the hip, and also those of the trunk. In addition to the more well known muscles, the trunk also includes some lesser known deep stabilizers. These muscles include the miltifidus and transverse abdominis. For a long period of time it was thought that the function of the core was to flex and extend the spine. However, an increasing body of evidence suggests that the actual function of these muscles is to stabilize the spine (lumbar specifically) and prevent movements such as flexion and extension. There is also a need for force transfer from the lower body to the upper extremities during movement, whether it is sports or just someone standing up from a chair. So instead of training for flexion and extension, training should be done to improve stability in multiple planes.
Now that we know what the purpose of these muscles is and what we need to improve, we can look at exercise selection. When selecting exercises, keep in mind that the body moves in multiple planes, so we must train each plane of movement. Additionally, keep in mind that we are including the shoulder girdle and hips into this equation. Now to the exercises. Over the past couple of years I have picked up on some great exercises from great names around the training world and implemented them into my own programming. I have also modified a few and have been experimenting with some of my own. Below are some exercises to try out and implement into your own training:
Plank With Knee Drive
Waiter Walk
Half-Kneeling Cable Chop
Chance Press
Cable Rotational
Just like any other part of a program design, we must remember that there has to be a specific progression. We can’t just start with the most explosive core exercise without developing a stable spine and strong base. A progression would start with exercises that involve little, if any, movement (such as planks or birddogs) and moving into more dynamic efforts where movement around the core is present, and finally evolving to explosive-type exercises where force transfer through the core is maximally utilized. The first stage of training is going to improve neuromuscular efficiency (making sure the core muscles are being activated) as well as spinal stability. As you progress, the stability of the core is going to be challenged during movement, such as with plank walk-ups, cable chops, etc. With explosive movements such as medicine ball slams, throws, or wood chops, the core is not only stabilizing the spine and center of the body, but it is also taking the force produced through the ground and transferring it up the body to the arms for maximal velocity of whichever movement you may be performing.
When adding these exercises into your workout, make sure you incorporate rotational stability as well as flexion and extension-based stability (remember, multiple planes of motion). Work up to 30 seconds on the holds and to rep ranges of 8-15 on the movement-based exercises, while completing 3-4 sets per exercise. With improvement in core stability there will also be improvement in many other lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench and so on. As an athlete, core stability is very important for performance, as every movement on the field or court must transfer force through the core. For the weekend warrior or your average gym buff, improved core stability will help with daily life, from movement to alleviation of joint pain. Also, as we age, posture is the first thing to go, and this leads to numerous health issues. Creating a strong core and a stable spine will help prevent-or at least postpone-this degradation of posture, thus creating a healthier, more mobile life.
When it comes down to it, ditch the crunches, avoid the machines, and start adding in some core work that will benefit, not harm you. You will be amazed by the improvements in the rest of your life.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I promise I am not completely crazy, but I do feel that this holds some truth. I believe that if a person is always positive and truly thinks positively, then positive things will come that persons way, and in the opposite sense, negative thoughts will bring negative actions. I had heard about theories like this when I was younger and always saw them as bogus but after a number of years of life experience I have come to truly believe the way we think affects what happens to us. I relate this a lot to religion and "miracles." Within a church or religion there is a large number of people looking up to a higher power. If there is a problem and such a large number of people truly believe that this higher power will fix that problem, the positive energy from such a large group of thoughts brings along positive results, thus creating a miracle.
Another way to look at it is the saying "When it rains, it pours." A person has one bad thing happen to them, they start to feel and think negatively then another bad thing happens, then it builds and more bad happens. When it rains it pours. The energy from the negative thoughts brings negative actions.
To relate this to sports, think about a position player in baseball who makes an error. If he lets it get to him and starts thinking negatively, it's almost a guarantee that he will make another error if given the opportunity. In basketball, a shooter who misses a few shots may start having bad thoughts and the next thing you know he is 0-20. This is why they say a good athlete must have a terrible memory. Negative thoughts cannot come into play because they hold a greater power.
Basically, what I am saying is this: if something bad happens, you can't let it get to you. Continue to stay positive no matter what. Have a confidence about yourself and your surroundings. It also helps by surrounding yourself with positive people and positive things. If your best friend is Debbie Downer, you will probably be seeing a lot of negative things happen and you may not reach your full potential. Stay positive, stay confident, and great things will come your way.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Strong Man Bootcamp
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Lift Heavy to Lose Weight
In the New York Times this week an article was published addressing just this. It explained what many of us strength coaches/trainers have been trying to preach over the past years, that lifting heavy weights will have better results than endless hours of cardio and pink dumbbells. Try doings sets of 6-8 reps with a challenging weight for a little while and see the changes that occur. Not only will body composition improve, but you will be a lot more functional for daily life, whether it be as a mother, a worker, or a weekend athlete.

Get away from the normal thoughts of female training and avoid the group fitness classes and get in a squat rack and move around some heavy weights. You won't get manly and big (unless you are taking something) but instead you will see some results you have been waiting for for years.
Juliet Deane...she is a powerlifter, who lifts heavy weights as you can see. She is not what I would call manly by any means.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Project 190 Results
Vertical: 30in. - no gain
Squat: 405lbs - up 20lbs
*Bench: 300lbs - no gain
Deadlift: 425lbs Sumo - didn't test before
3RM Pullup: +125lbs - up 45lbs
*Benching was up and down the whole time due to having a spot or not as well as the last two weeks being affected by the head cold.
Overall, I am pleased with the results and the program but far from satisfied. I am now onto a program by Eric Cressey called Maximum Strength. This is a 16-week program working towards developing strength. I have built my strength back up to where it was this time last year so now it is time to blow my old PR's out of the water. Gotta keep building and growing.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Stay Mental
You can go into the gym and go through the motions all day, every day. But if your not focused, intense, and there with a purpose then you will not accomplish the things you're there for. I have seen it many times. Lady A comes to me, we sit down and determine her goals, how to get there, and what to do once we achieve that. We set a path and start on our journey. After a couple weeks, she is not excited about it anymore, work is getting busier, she doesn't care about the gym, and she shows up to her training sessions just because there is an appointment. She goes through the motions, breaks a sweat, gets tired, and then goes home to another day of normal life, with no attention to those goals we made that first day. Goals will never be reached this way and something has to be done. You can't get where you want to be if you don't have some passion and put some thought behind it.
When starting up in training, a new job, a new relationship, or whatever, you must have goals, plans, and actions. This is the mentality part I am talking about. It is not about just going to the gym. It's about purpose. It's about a mission. You are there for a get thin, to get sexy, to life 500lbs. That reason is the number one thing on your mind every time you step in that door.
What I want you to do is sit down and get a pad of paper and a pen. Write down the things you want to accomplish. Now write down sub-levels of those end products. Example: Lose 100lbs. would be your end result. So losing 10lbs a month might be a sub-goal. Now for each smaller goal, write down actions you can do to achieve those goals. For instance, avoiding fast food and soft drinks. Once you have these actions down, put them in play. Start keeping in mind these actions and goals every time you leave the house. Every training session should be motivated and purposeful. Every meal should be in line with your goals. Everything should help you get one step closer.
Mentality is the best tool you can have for training. Train intensely and with a passion. Surround yourself with people who can bring this out of you. Listen to some music that motivates you. Read books that keep you moving forward. Whatever it takes to keep you on line with your goal and moving at it with that insanity that will get you there. Stay focused and you WILL achieve.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Below is a couple videos of a client of mine, J-Wow. She has been working with me for about 4 months now and has shown some great strength gains. We went through a circuit of med ball slams to side throws, walking overhead lunges, sledge hammer swings, and stairs. Check it out...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Arnold 2010
Outside of the Arnold, my buddies and I made a 3 mile trek to go eat at Thurman's (home of the Thurmanator). We got there and realized there were 50 names on the list before us and after waiting about 2 hours with hardly any progress we decided that it was not worth a 4 hour wait. As much as I wanted to take a stab at the Thurmanator, I didn't want to wait 4 hours (especially being how hungry I was) and I wanted to catch some more of the Classic.

Friday, February 26, 2010
Performance Enhancement
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Need Advice?
Guy: Hey man.
Me: What's up?
Guy: Are the press machines any good?
Me: (confused look on my face as he was doing a leg workout)
Guy: The leg press machines...are they any good? I have done squats, leg extensions, and stiff legs. I was wondering if I should do those as well.
Me: Well the leg presses are ok...however, you have done all bilateral lifts meaning you are using both legs together to lift the weight. You need to incorporate some unilateral work, you know, lunges or step-ups or something of that nature.
Guy: So the leg presses aren't that good?
Me: They are ok, not the best, but you need to work some unilateral movements.
Guy: Leg Curls! Yeah, I'll go do some leg curls!
Me: Yeah, that's exactly my thought....
Here's the thing...if you are going to ask someone for advice, actually listen to what they have to say. If you are asking for advice, you are acknowledging that the person is knowledgeable about that topic. So why ask for advice and then do the exact opposite of what the person tells you. I think that getting advice from a professional is a great way to better your knowledge and your time in the gym. Just a few simple tips here and there can take you to whole new levels in your training. Don't be too proud to ask for advice in the gym. Find a trainer or someone you respect and ask them the questions you have. Have them check your form. I am a trainer and have been lifting almost a decade and I still ask for advice and form checks. I am constantly contacting different people to give me a few tips or see what their thoughts are on this or that.
I encourage you to ask for advice, take in that advice, and try it out. You never know what kind of gold mine you may find. Don't ask me why your shoulder hurts and what to do about it and then when I tell you to stop pressing for a couple weeks and work on strengthening your back tell me you are just going to stop lifting all together. That is not taking my advice, even though you will blame me when that break from lifting makes you weaker and your shoulder pain comes back immediately. Take advice and use it to make yourself better.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Oh People...
Anyway, ladies, if you want to be sexy and toned, lift weights (and not the pink ones). If you want to look like Skelator on Ecstasy then do this...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Strength Comes First
All I'm saying is that if that day comes where your climbing a mountain and a big rock falls on you, you can either BE strong and lift it off, or LOOK strong and die. Your choice...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Snow Days

Well this group of genetically deprived people are nowhere to be found when there is any type of excuse available, and that's exactly what the snow is. So back to the conversation with my client. As I explained this thought about effort versus fitness we looked around and everyone in the gym at that time was working hard. We didn't see the talk shows. We saw people pushing themselves and their friends. We saw sweat. We saw EFFORT. The difference between the normal gym-goers and those in the gym during a blizzard has nothing to do with their fitness level but has everything to do with their level of dedication. The reason that there are more "in-shape" people in the gym is because of this dedication. They have just been at it longer. Those who are at the gym during times others aren't will be reaching their goals and will be looked at as the high fitness group as well.
Now before a lot of you get all pissy with me and start attacking me with things like, "My kids are out of school so I have to stay home with them", "I couldn't get out of my neighborhood", or "I'm allergic to snow" I have some advice for you all as well. Besides the fact that I could combat just about every excuse you make, let me throw out some ideas for you to still work towards your goals. Work out at home. You don't need any weights or equipment to get in a good workout. Try a bodyweight circuit where you create a group of exercises and do them back to back without rest. Trust me, you can get the heart rate up pretty quickly. Try something like this:
Squats x15
Pushups x15
Dynamic Plank x15
Burpees x15
Lunges x15
Mountain Climbers x15
Squat Jumps x15
Do this 3-10 rounds, depending on your level of ability, and I'm sure you will be cussing me out. But hey, you will be getting a great workout even though you can't make it to the gym because of the snow. Another option? Go shovel the snow off your driveway, maybe even a couple neighbors. will be getting a workout in AND doing a couple good deeds. Double whammy!
Just understand that there are a million opportunities for excuses every single day, whether it's snowing or we are in southern California. You can either grab these excuses and throw them around like a NFL player at a strip club, or you can avoid them and take another step towards your goals. Let's move foreward shall we?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
To Stop Learning is to Die
I read all the time. I read blogs, books, articles, research, basically whatever I can get time to read. I keep up with fitness professionals and strength coaches around the country. There are so many people that have a lot of good knowledge and experience so why not learn from them? No one knows everything so there is always room for knowledge. Some of my favorite people to read are:
Eric Cressey
Tony Gentilcore
Mike Boyle
Mike Robertson
Alwyn Cosgrove
and many more
All of these guys have blogs, books, and many, many articles worth checking out. Beyond these guys websites like are great. Daily articles are supplied be well renown coaches and trainers about anything and everything fitness related.
Whether you are a trainer or a coach, a rookie or a vet, there is always a need to learn more. Stay current in the research and stay current in the latest applications. Experiment with yourself and your clients. Try new methods that you learn about or develop yourself. There are too many people that I see that don't learn and improve. They get their certification, they get a job, and that stops everything. They use the same methods and workouts each client and situation. That is the definition of lazy. If you want to be good at whatever it is you do, you have to continually perfect your craft and better your knowledge. Only this way will you be able to become a name in your industry and a person that people look to for advice and help. ALWAYS LEARN.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Project 190 Update
As far as the workout goes, its a very basic concept of push/pull with some power exercises thrown in. I am constantly working on my hip and shoulder mobility so I include a mobility warm-up every session. My main objective each day is to lift as much weight as I can for the given number of reps and sets. Below is the workout from phase one...
Clean High Pull 4x4
Front Squat 2x8 2x6
Shoulder Press 2x8 2x6
DB Incline 4x8
Triceps 3x8
Russian Twist 4x8-12
Plank 4x:30
Explosive Shrug 4x4
Seated Row 2x8 2x6
SL SB Leg Curl 4x12
SA Lat Pulldown 4x8
Biceps 3x8
Cable Rotation 4x8-12
Side Plank 4x:30
Squat Jump 4x4
Bench 2x8 2x6
Lunge 4x8
DB Shoulder Press 4x8
Triceps 3x8
SB Russian Twist 4x8-12
Rollout 4x12
DB Swing 4x4
Lat Pulldown 2x8 2x6
Glut Ham Raise 4x8
SA Seated Row 4x8
Biceps 3x8
1-2-3-Throw 4x8-12
Side Dynamic Plank 4x:30
Monday, January 25, 2010
So Many Excuses...
The REAL Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
Today I wanted to share with you a very insightful story that a friend of mine who runs a gym shared with me.
A woman came into his gym and said that she really wanted to join as she needed to lose weight for health reasons but she could not afford the monthly membership fee. My friend told the woman that he wanted to help her so he’d make her a deal…
He would give her a free 30 day membership. During those first 30 days, if she came in and exercised 15 times then he would give her the next 30 days for free, the same for the next month, and the next month. So in essence this woman could have a lifetime free membership IF she used it. The woman was so happy and very grateful to my friend for making such a generous deal with her. Do you know what happened in the following 30 days?
She showed up 6 times and never came back.
You can probably see what I’m getting at here….money wasn’t the issue. The cost of the gym membership wasn’t the ‘thing’ that was holding this woman back from losing weight. It was a convient scapegoat.
What are you convenient scape goats?
What are the reasons you give for not losing weight and reaching your goals?
Write them down, crumble up the paper, and throw it in the recycle bin never to mention them again.
Then get down to work and lose the weight.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Random Thoughts 1/21
-First and foremost, I have gained 4.5 lbs in the past two weeks so Project 190 is nicely on its way. Been pushing some solid weights and plan on seeing increases throughout. I have two more weeks of phase one and then I will be posting the workout on here for everyone to see. Stay tuned.
-The gym has been crazy packed the past couple weeks. It seems that everyone has taken to their New Years Resolutions of losing weight and getting in shape. As much as I love seeing people in the gym trying to better themselves, I know that 90% of these people will be quitting within the next month. It is sad that this is true but it is. It's like a group of tourists. They are visiting my home land and just getting in the way and once the season is over they will all be gone. All I know is it is a a tough ass time trying to get ahold of equipment right now.
-One thing I have been noticing around the training world over the past couple of months is exercise execution. This is something that is overlooked and I see a lot of trainers who prescribe exercises but don't know how to teach them correctly, or in some cases do them correctly themselves. A word to trainers out there...Know how to perform the exercises you prescribe and what to look for when these exercises are being done. Give coaching cues. As a trainer, you are not there to just tell people what to do but to teach as well.
-Just remember to always keep learning and improving your craft. Whatever you do, improve your game. Too many people become complacent and quit learning, quit improving, and just stay stagnant. Always improve, ALWAYS.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Do You Need Some Help?
I realize the gym can be an intimidating place, especially to the new member who may not be in the best shape. However, it is not an impossible task to come in, not knowing anything, and figure out how to use the equipment. Most of the cardio machines are as simple as getting on and pushing start. Beyond that, there is a track which all you have to do is walk. We do that everyday, some less than others but regardless. The resistance training machines are similar in that regard. Each piece of equipment has a written and picture description of how and what. And if you want to get real crazy, people could go on the Internet and so some research on working out to figure out some simple workouts and exercises to do while in the gym. WHOA!
Don't get me wrong, I have a job because many people are ignorant to exercise and need that help. I'm a specialist. However, people need to learn to take some responsibility. I have talked about this before and will more than likely talk about it again. It is your life people. Why wait for others to direct you or hold your hand while you go through it. Take control and figure it out on your own. You will be much more successful this way and when that time comes that you have no one to lean on, you will be prepared to go to battle. There is always a way to get something done so figure it out and do it. Research, try things out, experiment. You may not always be right on the first time but you can learn from your mistakes and figure out the best way to do something without relying solely on others to do it for you.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Project 190, The Rest of the Story
I have created a 12-week program that is similar to a program I completed last January. My strength increases were great so I figured I would use the same principles, making a few adjustments with the things I have learned over the past year. As far as my nutrition goes, I am making some adjustments to make sure that not only I am taking in a lot more calories but eating cleanly and properly. I will be consuming some type of meal every couple hours, my bigger meals being close to 1000 calories. I am also adding a peri-workout protein drink and a pre-bed protein shake. Some other small adjustments I am making include the addition of walnuts to smoothies, sunflower seeds as a part of my afternoon snack, and I will also not put a limit on spending for groceries.
As far as the workout goes, I have created a push/pull split, four days a week. I really like the push pull split because it allows me to work each muscle group twice per week and I am also able to lift maximal weights on each lift because my muscles are not fatigued as they would be towards the end of a body part split workout. Each week also includes both unilateral and bilateral work of each movement. If you are interested in seeing the workout in more detail, shoot me an email.
My pre-measurements are listed below. I am upset with some of these numbers but hey, it is more room to improve and grow.
Weight: 180
Fat %: 12.1 (not sure on the accuracy of this...Omeron was used)
Circumference measurements (in.):
Shoulders: 49
Chest: 39.75
Waist: 32.5
Hips: 39.75
Thigh: 22.5
Calf: 13
Arm: 13.5
Bench Max: 300
Squat Max: 385 (WEAKSAUCE)
Vertical: 30in.
3RM Pull up: +80
My main goals in terms of numbers include increasing my weight to 190, my squat to 420, bench to 315. I would also like to see an increase in my vertical and with the weight gain an increase in circumference measurements. Stay tuned for updates of Project 190 and as my boy Tech N9ne said, "I'm hype cuz the beast is evolving!"